Wednesday, August 15, 2012

oh what a beautiful morning!

dew-covered spiderwebs sparkling in the morning sunshine and golden fields of grain make it almost ok that there's a crisp hint of fall in the air.


will said...

Even Danish spiders understand good design.

Catherine said...

Dew covered spiderwebs ~ Mother Nature's Bling! :)
Beautiful photos!
xo Catherine

stephanie said...

great photos, j!

Veronica Roth said...

Love, LOVE the spider webs. Webs in early morning light are a weakness. Bet you took 50,000 photos of that perfect orb one.

Lynn said...

Just noticed your "comments are the new black" above. So funny. But I didn't come here to comment on that, rather to comment on the absolutely and perfectly loverly spiderweb photo. Oh my. Sorry I haven't been around much lately--I've taken a bit of a commenting hiatus, since it was taking so much time. But I'm baaaaack! I hope. HA! Still have been reading, though. Can't help meself.

The Queens Table said...

Your spider webs are always the most beautiful ever!