Saturday, November 14, 2009

my inner presbyterian

if you're a regular here at MPC, you know i have a thing about chains. they depict connections to me and i'm always trying to connect stuff. i guess because i want to believe that it's all somehow connected and that things happen for some reason, even if at the moment something happens, that reason isn't always apparent. i think of it as my inner presbyterian.

my inner presbyterian also likes doors. because she believes that when you close one door, another one opens (she learned that from her neighbor a couple of weeks ago, tho' she thinks she probably always believed it). and that it maybe even takes closing that first door in order to make the next one open. and she thinks it's pretty cool how already those doors are already opening, because it seems to be more than one. and that's pretty cool.

here's hoping there are lots of open doors helping you make lots of connections this weekend. and that you only get the 12-hour version of the swine flu, like husband did.

17 comments: said...

I like the way you think. Guess I have a bit of my inner Presbyterian lingering in me from my childhood after all!

Teach.Workout.Love said...

i love those door pictures !

Cyndy said...

I just read the following quote and thought of you. And then I read your post. Kismet. So I raise my glass to you and your doors and wish you much success!

"A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are for."

Anonymous said...

Connections and links and doors are lovely metaphorical things. I suppose since I was never a presbyterian, I don't quite grasp the connection. But if it works...

: ) And everything has to be connected to everything. Anything else wouldn't make sense. If every environment is a micro and a macro of another (which it is) than logic dictates interconnectedness on all levels. : D

ADRIAN said...

Glad he's better but he's letting down his gender. A real man would have spun it out a month!

Anonymous said...

i just came across your blog...i love your writing!

et lille oejeblik - a little moment said...

connections and open doors. i like that! never was baptized, but i think i might have an inner presbytarian as well :)

i hope i won't have the swine flu at all, but should it come this way, then a 12 hour version sounds just fine to me (who has two sick kiddos at home and cannot bear the thought of going down herself)

MissBuckle said...

I have a thing about padlocks. What does that say about me?

Connections are fascinating. And it funny how they get closer, just at the time when you think what you're connected to is furthest away. Connect those dots :-)

The Redhead Riter said...

12 hours only? That is one blessed man! I didn't even have swine, just regular flu and I was sick for six days!

Love the doors

Zuzana said...

Love the door! It is almost a work of art in itself. I agree with you, there is something inevitably magical and enigmatic about old door ways and doors.;)
And I so agree with the sentiment of *open doors*.;)

Sammi said...

can i hope not to get swine flu at all

jane said...

love these. have a great week julochka!

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

this thought is staying with me for a while..
"maybe even takes closing that first door in order to make the next one open" Beautiful door!

The pale observer said...

Great pics!!! My son seemed to catch the 24 hour version of the swine flu!!

His whole school is a breeding ground for it right now... H1N1 hits Africa, through a private International school...

Char said...

12 hours....that is the best of any flu world I suspect. congrats to him.

and yes, i believe this about doors too

Loredana said...

Thank you for that. Although I always feel that things are somehow connected, it's sometimes difficult to see that quickly. And most times I forget that when one door closes another opens, something I learned many, many years ago and seems to still work today. It's nice to be reminded, so thank you.

urbaNiche said...

its so true about one door closing and the other opening...hope husband is better