Friday, July 30, 2010

an interview with joanna jenkins of the fifty factor

i bring you the whimsical answers of joanna jenkins of the ever-entertaining blog with a large following - the fifty factor. i defy you go there and not learn something or be amused or touched. but first, read her answers to my questions.

1. why blog?

I blog because it's fun--plain and simple.

2. if you could do something all over again, what would it be?

When I used to travel extensively on business I didn't take advantage of extending trips with personal time so I could actually explore the countries I was in-- France and Italy especially. It was such a missed opportunity that I blame partly on my youth and mostly on trying to race up the corporate ladder.

3. when you go antiquing or to flea markets, what do you look for every time?

My dream is a big farm house with lots of land. That's never going to happen so instead I look for architectural fragments to introduce elements of rural living into my contemporary home. I figure eventually I'll get that farm house one fragment at a time.

4. coffee or tea?

Definitely tea-- Iced tea with lemon.

5. meat or veggies?

My perfect meal is a juicy steak, baked potato and a salad loaded with vegetables and blue cheese dressing.

6. is fifty the new forty?

As my blog profile says, not one single person mentioned "40-anything" on my 50th birthday but I'm clinging to the hope that it's true.

7. if you were a car, what would you be?

I'd like to think I'd be a well maintained and much loved, red, Ford Mustang convertible. In reality-- I'm probably a very reliable Volvo.

8. what's your ultimate comfort food?

Warm chocolate chips cookies and a big glass of ice cold milk. That or anything with gravy on it.

9. when nobody's looking, i....

...Eat the last of the above mentioned cookies.

10. what would you grab if there was a fire?

Laptop, wallet, husband and my grandparent's silver candlesticks-- Not necessarily in that order.

* * *

thank you, joanna, for playing along. if it's any consolation, i can totally see you as that mustang convertible - but definitely one of the classy, vintage ones with their beautiful lines, not one of those big, beefy clunky ones they make today.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say how much I've been enjoying the interviews - I like your questions!

Sammi said...

I love these interviews, its a great way to discover new blogs, and once I've caught up with my reading list I will be answering your questions albeit a day or so later than I said I would!

Pseudo said...

I popped over from Joanna's. I love the interview and I thank Joanna for introducing me to your blog.

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

Came over from Joanna's! What a great interview! I've been adding to my farm house in progress for years:)

Mari said...

I love Joanna's blog. Great interview!

lisahgolden said...

I followed the link over from Joanna's blog. This interview was a lot of fun. And it's also a great way to be introduced to another blog.

Claudya Martinez said...

Joanna is wonderful. Great interview!

Brian Miller said...

nice. big fan of jj...and there is something to be said of reliable volvos you know...even if they do run on tea instead of the good stuff...smiles.

Anonymous said...

Joanna sent me to your blog. This is my first visit. I enjoyed the interview; loved the questions! I will try to come back again!

Char said...

so fun!! love cookies too

Unknown said...

A fun interview!

noexcuses said...

I love Joanna's blog and you've made her shine in a new light! Thanks for the interview.

She said your blog would be beautiful, and I agree. I will spend some time here this weekend.


Kathy said...

Great interview of a fantastic lady! :)

mrs mediocrity said...

Loving these interviews, I will be going to check Joanna out...especially since 50 is creeping up on me very quickly!

Bernie said...

First time to visit and I am so glad I popped over. Enjoyed your interview with JJ very much. Love learning about blog friends.
......:-) Hugs

Ms. Bake-it said...

I came from Joanna's. This interview was a lot of fun and a great way to be introduced to another blog.

~ Tracy

CiCi said...

I am visiting from Joanna's blog. I agree with your description of her blog. You picked a definite winner when you picked Joanna for your post.

Izzy said...

Joanna is the greatest! Thanks so much for doing this interview, much fun!! said...

I'm a fan of Joanna, too. Classy answers from a classy lady! I'd love sharing some cookies and milk with the two of you!

Feisty Crone said...

Joanna sent me. Great interview and wonderful blog.

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh I loved I adore Joanna! What fun to see here inteviewed here...great questions!
I am with her...anything with gravy LOL!! Wonderful! Sarah

secret agent woman said...

Here via Joanna's blog. Fun interview.

Sueann said...

Great interview Joanna!!! And your perfect meal is my perfect meal too...down to the Bleu Cheese dressing!!! Love it!

Mrs4444 said...

That Joanna-she's a peach! And definitely Mustang material :)