Sunday, January 13, 2008

dogme kassen

i'm feeling virtuous for changing our årstiderne subscription from the monstermix to the dogme kasse. that means locally-produced organic veg. and in january, it seems that it means root vegetables. carrots, potatoes, turnips, parsnips, beets, one of those big ugly knobby celery things (i'm really not fond of those), a smattering of onions and a cabbage. i made a parsley-flecked potato/turnip/garlic mash with it last night to go with nigel slater's coq au reisling. it was warming and delicious on a wintry january evening. tonight, more comfort food--from tamasin's weekend food--cabbage in the troo style. it's a good use of cabbage. and pork mince. both produced locally. leaving me feeling positively virtuous.

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