Tuesday, July 27, 2010

i am, as ever, in awe....

cheers to all who wanted to be interviewed!!
i'm a little overwhelmed and surprised, but ecstatic at your response!
...of the goodness of the blogosphere. the response to my offer to interview has been fantastically, wonderfully overwhelming! and just as a study i read about in the july/august fast company suggested, the oxytocin my brain produced in response to your response gave me a very positive high of sorts. a high of the kind that you usually get from babies and adorable fuzzy small animals. proving once again that bloggy friends ARE indeed the best kind of friends. and that you don't need to run or smoke pot to get high.

i am overjoyed at the response (which i completely did not expect)! if you haven't received your questions yet, it's just because i haven't yet gotten to them, but they will be coming in the next few days (just email your answers to me). i will publish the answers, one (or possibly two) per day, as they come in. do send me pictures if you have pictures to accompany your answers.  and please be a little patient, as i am trying not to ask everyone the same questions (there are a few that are the same for several people (as you'll see), but it's because i really want answers to those particular questions).

and it's not too late, if you want to be interviewed too, just leave a comment on the previous post (it will help me keep track if they're all in one place).

stay tuned for the first responses, they're already coming in, even as the questions are still rolling out!

this is going to be so much fun!!


Meri said...

If anyone is tempted -- do it! Julie interviewed me a couple of years ago and it was fun.

Char said...

can't wait to read them - i find people so interesting.

Gwen said...

You are a tricksy one. I'd jump on the wagon, but I think I'll be happier reading the nuggets instead (because I am still away from my home-ish place and starting to feel all undone).