Great shot! Love how the woman with the stroller walks all in red next to the marching soldiers.;) The complete picture is so significant of Denmark.,) xo Zuzana
Sounds like things are heating up over there (that was not meant to be punny). Why does that make me excited? Do I not have enough of my own drama? Geez. Stay safe!
Great shot! Love how the woman with the stroller walks all in red next to the marching soldiers.;) The complete picture is so significant of Denmark.,)
*stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp*
very official
Sounds like things are heating up over there (that was not meant to be punny). Why does that make me excited? Do I not have enough of my own drama? Geez. Stay safe!
Not very camo, thus not trendy.
Tin soldiers, right out of The Nutcracker Suite!
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