Tuesday, May 12, 2009

62º N

62º N
it's just so beautiful here
among the little islands
in the fjords
it has me thinking of slartibartfast.
he designed them in the first place.
he's magrathean, you know.
and he won an award for it.


SD said...

Ha ha! First one to comment :-)

It's looking gorgeous. Snow-capped mountains in the background! I miss the snow...

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Just yesterday my son suggested I read his book. I'll take this is a sign.

SD said...

You know, when I started following your blog the number was 648. One week and a half later it's 779! :-O

Way to go!

Optimistic Pessimist said...

Makes me long for beer in a frosted mug on a cold winters day. Not sure why, but it was the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture.

kristina said...

love the photo. love slartibartfast. 42.

Char said...

gorgeous shot - love the composition

Just Jules said...

wow, places like that REALLY do exist...

Unless, you stepped into a book?

Hit 40 said...

Your picture is beautiful! Great poem and ode to slartibartfast.

The pic captured so many wonderful images - boats, mountains, snow, greenery.... Nice!

The Archduchess said...

For this Hitchhiker's reference, you will forever be admired and loved in my geeky universe.

Norway is quite beautiful, innit?

SE'LAH... said...

Oh my...so serene and beautiful.

heidikins said...

Gasp!! That is so gorgeous! Ohmigoodness!!


kirstie said...

you know - that picture could have been taken in Scotland! (where i'm from)