Monday, May 04, 2009

one time at blog camp*

yesterday when husband suggested blog camp, i was just kind of fording the stream of consciousness, talking to him about this interface culture of the blogosphere and all of the naked conversations that result from it. and wishing out loud that it was more than an imagined community, but sort of more of a sunday philosophy club. and so in a fit of whimsy, i posted my little wish list about what i imagined blog camp would be. and the comments poured in. it seems that in you guys would actually be interested in doing this! and since it is a liquid life we lead in these days of globalization (even in light of GEC**), i began to think, hey, why not? we could really do this!

we can easily accommodate four guests at our house (hence the rule of four) and possibly five if i got my ass in gear and cleared some junk out of a room upstairs. but let's see how it goes with four, if interest is great enough, i might be motivated to clear out that room for one more. here's what i'm thinking about how this will work...

because of deadlines, travels and events at work, the first weekend i could host a blog camp would be june 19-20-21. i'm thinking that this first round will no doubt attract those of you who live within a reasonable distance of denmark (e.g. right across the sound (and with your dog, perhaps?)) or within an hour or so by air (ahem, oxford and london spring to mind but i am certain there are others!!) and who are fairly spontaneous (tho' in my view, this is plenty of time to plan ahead).

for fabulous bloggy friends from farther afield, how about a long weekend in early september (the weather is usually pretty reliable in denmark in september)--september 4-7 to be exact (since the 7th is labor day in the US and therefore a holiday).

here's the deal:

  1. you are responsible for getting yourself here (i'll happily answer any questions you might have about the best route).
  2. you will have a place to stay once you get here.
  3. if you'd be willing to pitch in to help buy some groceries, we will feed you well.
  4. all of the fun, laughter and wifi is included.
the first group will be a bit of an experiment. we will do activities to include all of you who can't attend either because it's too far or because space is limited. we'll try out that stickam thing and/or others that work well (i've seen stickam working, so i know it's more or less ok) to be live and interact online. we'll tweet. we'll blog. we'll laugh and laugh some more. maybe we'll make some stuff. and perhaps we'll even do some vlogging, just for fun. we'll go on photo walks, so bring your camera. we'll spend at least one day in copenhagen taking the city in through our camera lenses. the rest of the time, we'll hang out here, eating, drinking and laughing:

if you are interested, please send me an email (email is in my profile) with "blog camp" in the subject line. i am open to suggestions for other dates (subject to veto by me due to work schedule with my real job). and if interest is great enough, i'll definitely add some more dates.

just one more thing...if husbands/boyfriends/significant others/random people you live with are difficult to convince that this is a good idea or there are guys out there who think it sounds like fun but rather girly, there's also a rather more masculine playhouse at our place, so either bring 'em along (one of the bedrooms has a double bed and we could arrange for one more) or just don't be shy:

i'm sure i'll be writing about this again along the way, so pls. ask any questions in the comments to help me figure out what people need to know (for obvious reasons, i'm not publishing my address here, but will definitely provide that information to who are serious about coming). once again. shoot me an email (it's in my profile) with "blog camp" in the subject line if you're interested in attending one of the two dates i've listed above--stating which date, of course. other than that, start packing your pjs and have a nice day!

* with thanks to iasa !
** global economic crisis (i hope i can stop typing this out soon)


Margie Oomen said...

oh I wish I hadn't just gotten back from a mini european vacation. Maybe next time especially if you would agree to a camp trip to that fantastic fossil location.

Jelica said...

well, that's a hands-on approach! i think it's a crazy idea but i'm interested :)

SD said...


Could you do this in about 4 years? I'll start earning by then! I don't think I'll be allowed to go to Denmark (I've always wanted to, though). Mom and Dad will definitely faint on hearing this idea. Plus, it doesn't help that I'm under 18.


For all of those who really do end up in Denmark...have fun!

julochka said...

Margie! that is an EXCELLENT idea! Møn's Klint for sure just let me know when you want to come!!

Jelica--please send an email if you're serious (it'll help me keep track)

Shweta--we're going to do some of it online, so you can surely participate virtually!! :-)

SD said...

That's great! :-D

Amanda said...

so...jealous...i live in the usa. maybe, maybe i could make this work. we'll talk!

Lynette said...

What a really fun idea (and beautiful work space)!
It makes this whole blogging world real and makes all of you inspiring women real.
One day I would love to participate.
Good luck with this!

Just Jules said...

Now, wouldn't that be living the dream? I wonder how much money I could skim off the checkbook by Sept?

WV- bessesse, that has to be something..... is that the plural for a group of ladies named Bess - the bessesse got together for blog camp

Memories Of Mine said...

This is a wonderful idea. Pity an airfare for me is about $2000 to Denmark. I do hope you get some takers as I think it would be a fun weekend and a great way to get to know fellow bloggers.

iasa said...

I'll be in Denmark in October (fingers crossed) with my best friend, so i couldn't do a blog camp then, but if you aren't off galavanting for work, we want to take you for lunch or dinner or ice cream or roller derby or something. Maybe more like a rookie training camp :)

Dave King said...

Sounds good to me - in a crazy sort of way.

Unknown said...

I'm so IN! Emailing you! Oh, I'm nervous!

Kikit said...

Will be reading your subsequent blogs about this. It's so brilliant of you to suggest this idea. :)

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Love the photos and the write up. It truely brightens ones day. : ) Please keep it up and keep me informed. Thanks ALLY

kristina - no penny for them said...

what a great idea - and what a great blog :)

Kolya_Gerich said...

very inyresting foto)))

Seaside Girl said...

Wow. You actually are going to do it. In line with my curent live for the moment ethos I think I could do I will be e-mailing. Yikes. xx

Anonymous said...

this soiunds like so much FUN! i wish you didnt live so far away!

Lynne said...

Can I propose a simultaneous Cape Town blog camp? We can sleep 5 in our home in Moorreesburg...
A moments of perfect clarity satellite blogcamp with webcam links (telkom ADSL permitting) to that wonderful room in Denmark...
And, of course Julie, you're welcome to come to the Cape Town one, and broadcast to Denmark!

Indiri Wood said...

I just looked up airfare on expedia and from Reno, NV it's about $650 roundtrip. Wow, that's cheaper than I hoped! I don't want to make a spur of the moment decision but I think I could manage Sept if you don't get overwhelmed with requests.

heidikins said...

I am crunching numbers on the feasability of this....will email soon.


Emmy said...
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Emmy said...

I personally can't afford something like this but maybe everyone arrange a time to all go on stickam.

That way the rest of us that can't attend can still enjoy a few moments with all of you.

Pia K said...

I love the idea of a Sunday Philosophy Club since that's one of my favourite series of books. But I'm so not into group activities like this camp thing, but for those of you who are, I'm sure it would be loads of fun:)

k said...

That sounds SO exciting. I wish I lived closeby. I would definitely participate!

Sarah said...

o-so-jealous I live in Canada and not Denmark, or anywhere in Europe for that matter. Maybe I can convince hubby that blog camp would be necessary to retain my (tenuous) grasp on sanity and that we could expense it? And a MacBook as a necessary requirement for blog camp attendance?

Molly said...

I would totally be there for June except I'll be hosting a very important 2nd birthday party that weekend ;)
Sounds like fun tho!

Magpie said...

why are you on the other side of the ocean?

Suecae Sounds said...

What a brilliant idea. I will have to side with other people and look up ahead for dates & money and stuff. But it's really cool that you have planned this.

I'm kind of lucky since I live in Sweden, and tickets to Denmark are not that expensive. At least not kidney-sell expensive. ;)

Eliane Zimmermann said...

You are really fast! as our former aupair lives in Copenhagen I might drop in one day....I love the look of the masculine room, really inspiring for tough guys!!! Cheers from Ireland Eliane

Anonymous said...

Oh it sounds incredibly lovely! I wish I could manage the actual trip, but will settle for the virtual experience if possible. How fun!

Barb said...

Sounds absolutely delicious but unfortunately surgery is on my June agenda. Would love to consider this another time, would have to check airfare from Canada to Denmark. What an opportunity this would be and what a wonderful invitation you have extended. Barb xo

Char said...

I will be there in spirit....funds are oh so limited at the current time. I so need a job so I can be there.

Silentwhisper1 said...

I love the 'blue' room. I could see a few people gathering with quite the unique ideas concerning the blog world there.

Heather Moore said...

Such a cool idea, and i could stock up on clogs while in Denmark too. Not sure if the budget can handle this kind of expense tho'. Maybe a second blog camp could be held in Cape Town some time? It's cheaper here and really sunny too...

kristina said...

will email you from across the sound :-)

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

I've given this much thought.
However, as of September, I'll have two kids in college so alas, college wins. What about 2010?