Saturday, February 20, 2010

february art journal calendar

i'm hopeless on my soujournal project at the moment. i have to send mine on to polly, but the last page i imagine before sending on to her is still stuck in my brain and will not come out on the page. i've even assembled some things that go with it and they're RIGHT THERE at hand and it still won't come out. what's up with that anyway?

however, it's going well with my daily art journaling in the moleskine calendars. i have fallen behind on sharing, but i'm only a teency tiny bit behind on the actual journal. here's what's i've done so far in february:

feb. 1 - totally me, if there's one thing i do, it's sketch plant-y things.
feb. 2 - tried to do something inspired by this. totally didn't work for me.
too cold and impersonal, i think. and too self-centered.

feb. 3 - been seeing mugs everywhere, so i drew a couple of my favorites. and a little plate of cake.
feb. 4 - back to the natural stuff + watercolor. much more me.

feb. 5 - we worked on a 3000-piece puzzle all day.
feb. 6 - a flea market find - a book on the vikings.

feb. 7-8 houses inspired by these.
i think these might eventually manifest as a quilt.

feb. 9 - dreaming of spring. and a vespa. (scooters courtesy of kim smith scrapbook paper acquired ages ago from the now defunct red velvet kit club)
feb. 10 - obsessed with plain spoken quilts, so i even painted one, but had to stitch it too.

feb. 11 - scraps of fabric, sewn together, to remind me how much i've been sewing of late.
feb. 12 - one heart for every year we've been married. and a switch to pastels.

feb. 13-14 - watched a marvelous show where joanna lumley chased the northern lights.
played with pastels again. not sure they're really me.
and again, one must be careful putting on hand lotion.

i continue to obsessively note where i am and when as i do each page, even when i'm a bit behind. it began as something i did on my travels years ago, noting where i was as i wrote and it has just continued, to the point of near obsessive-compulsive behavior. but, i'm going with it, because it doesn't really hurt anything. and it might be nice to remember at some point.

i'm not sure yet where these are taking me, but it's interesting (for me at least) to track the journey. and i think in time, when there's a critical mass of them, i'll know where it's going. and at least i've begun actually doing something with all that inspiration i've been gathering on flickr.

here's wishing you a weekend full of inspiration and creativity...


Jodi Anderson said...

I always find your site inspiring, but these photos just put it over the top. Wow. My daughter and I went down the page and absorbed each photo. We both feel a burst of creativity and would like to try this. Thank you for that.

Have a cheery weekend.

MissBuckle said...

I love that nothern lights show. I've seen it twice and I think I cried more the second time.

Anonymous said...

What fun! I was just transported to a moment in time when I found a stash of an artist-boyfriend's art journals. So much voyeuristic fun to soak them up. : ) said...

I just love seeing where your journal takes you!

Bocat said...

Thanks for sharing these - very inspirational. The first one with the sketch of the pussywillows made me instantly smile. We're enjoying an unseasonably warm and blue skies February here in Seattle. Everything is blooming, including pussywillows! I can't walk by a tree of them without reaching out and touching the soft little buds!

Christine Clemmensen said...

great journal pages :)

Ju said...

This is so beautiful. Just tell me how can someone be good at everything? Because you really really are. :)))

jane said...

you have totally inspired me! (i actually wrote totally so you know it´s true) i´ve been wanting to do this for a long time. i´m buying a journal tomorrow. thank you my dear. your pages are wonderful!