remember those little polaroid iZone cameras that were around in the early naughties? we had one (i can't find it for the life of me and i fear it got thrown out) and i took quite a lot of photos of sabin with it when she was very little. i ran across those photos the other day and scanned them. and since it's the most perfect, glorious, sunshiney day outside, i thought i'd share them here instead of writing something of real substance.
from 2001 |
from 2001 |
from 2002 |
i found a couple of packets of really old film for the iZone, but not the iZone camera itself...hmm, maybe i'll go check in a couple more boxes. there's really no fun like polaroid fun. and wasn't sabin just precious?
Hello Julie
Sweet! I think Sabin looks so much like her dad(far). Thanks for sharing your pictures and have a great hump day!
Tracy :)
Oh, how sweet. I love to look through old photo's, particularly of my children. I remember little things, and big ones. Thanks for sharing, she is a beauty.
Indeed, she was adorable . . .
precious! and i have to giggle a bit, because really, it's very obvious why you first was so smitten by the cuteness of bobbaloos (and i of course mean that in the best of ways):)
sooooooooooooo cute! yea wish I had all the Polaroid cameras I had from back then too.
Oh she is adorable! How fun to look back at old photos and then look at your kids now and see how much time has passed! OK maybe not so fun to see how much they're growing so fast but still nice to have pictures like that.
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