Friday, January 25, 2013

happy 12th birthday, pooka!

happy birthday to sabin!

2012 in review - it may have been the year (so far) where she grew and changed the most (well, since that first year or so, anyway).  horses figured rather heavily, tho' that may reflect my choice of photo subject matter more than actual reality. horses and girls are just made to be photographed together.  these are just photos that i had included in my 2012::366 project and not necessarily the very best of the photos of sabin from the past year (i do think last year's mosaic was better). but i love making these posts on sabin's birthday. to see how she's growing up and changing and processing the world and tackling it head on and with good sense and a healthy sense of humor. it tugs a bit at my heart that she's not a little girl anymore, but at the same time, she's exactly the age she should be (looking back at last year, i felt that way too, so it must be authentic). she should be growing up, learning and forming her own ideas about the world. it would be wrong to be wistful or sad or hold her back (as if that would be possible). so let's hope 12 will be a great year!


celkalee said...

The day of your child's is as special to you as to her, isn't it? She is growing into a lovely young woman as seen in your photo's. Love the rainbow cupcakes. And yes, it is true, the food police no longer permit such things. Too much sugar, possible allergies to food additives or coloring, this house may have had a peanut in it, the kids are already too fat, some kids cannot afford to bring treats on their day etc, etc. My words.... oh go eat a cupcake!!

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday Sabin!

Tracy Golightly-Garcia said...

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Sabinnn,
Happy birthday to you!! :-)

Sandra said...

Happy Birthday, Beautiful Girl. It's OK to be a little wistful, it's natural.

Veronica Roth said...

Happy birthday Sabin! I just showed Chloe your post and she said she felt exactly the same way Sabin looks at 12, (except with braces). Chloe said this was the age she made a decision to stay child-like while her girl friends were trying to be women-like and she let go of a few of them. She said she was way happier than they were for the next several years.

Molly said...

Happy birthday Sabin! And happy birthday to you and The Husband too - well done!